Homeless People Are Not Just in Big Cities – La Frontera Shelter, Laredo, TX
People experiencing homelessness are not just in cities. They are not just older people. They are not just one demographic. And they are almost everywhere: Philadelphia, Santa Barbara, Kansas City, Miami, and Washington D.C. They are even in places you may not think of – like the immigrant “shelters” that are being built along the […]
Villanova Students Help The Joy of Sox
Stuffing envelopes, painting walls, putting together shelves and handwriting notes – what have these go to do with The Joy of Sox’s mission of providing joy to those experiencing homelessness by giving them new socks? It’s all about Villanova University giving back on their annual St Thomas of Villanova Day of Service. On Saturday September […]
Harrington Middle School Sets WORLD RECORD for Socks Collected for the Homeless
When students from Thomas E. Harrington Middle School in Mt. Laurel NJ decided to do a service project for the less fortunate, little did they realize that they would be setting a WORLD RECORD for Most-Sock-Ever-Collected during a K-12 school sock drive – 5,633 pairs of new socks for those experiencing homelessness. When members of […]
Handing out new socks in at St. John’s Hospice in Philadelphia
Handing out new socks at St. John’s Hospice in Philadlephia.
Socks for the Homeless at St. John’s Hospice
Helping others help others. That’s what The Joy of Sox® is great at doing. St John’s Hospice, established in 1963, is a facility in Philadelphia that provides meals, support and housing for men experiencing homelessness. St. John’s was created as an outreach ministry to serve and assist the poor and homeless in the community. They continue to […]
Guidestar’s Platinum Level for The Joy of Sox
The Joy of Sox, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, that provides new socks to those experiencing homelessness earned the 2018 Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By sharing metrics that highlight progress The Joy of Sox is making toward its mission, the […]
Peace and Justice with Socks
An observation by Tom Costello, Jr. Chief Sock Person & Founder The Joy of Sox Earl did not talk about politics, or tragedies. He wanted to talk about Villanova basketball. He wanted to talk about turning his life around, not getting high. And he wanted to talk about socks. I listened. On a cold March […]
NJ Sen. Bateman’s “Socks for the Homeless Day” Resolution Passed by Committee
A resolution sponsored by Senator Kip Bateman designating February 14 of each year as “Socks for the Homeless Day” has been approved by the Senate Health, Human Services & Senior Citizens Committee. “Most of us take for granted having clean socks to wear every day,” said Bateman. “Homeless people don’t have that luxury. They know […]
The Joy of The Season with New Socks for the Homeless
The New World Group (NWG) is a remarkable marketing company. Not only do they excel in in positioning strategies and brand identity they also give back to the community. For 2017, The Joy of Sox (TJoS) – a nonprofit that gives new socks to the homeless – was the fortunate, and very grateful recipient of […]
Santa Ana Homeless Get Hundreds of New Socks Thanks to a Villanova Intern for The Joy of Sox®
Santa Ana homeless get hundreds of new socks thanks to Joy of Sox intern and team of volunteers. Ken Steinhardt, of The Orange County (CA) REGISTER covered the sock pass out that Eliza Clark orchestrated. Eliza Clark of Newport Beach helped improve the comfort of homeless people in Santa Ana, Wednesday morning, Nov. 22, as […]