Shop online. Automatic donations to The Joy of Sox with iGive.

Click on logo to learn more about donating to The Joy of Sox simply by shopping online!
Click on logo to learn more about donating to The Joy of Sox simply by shopping online!

This is really cool.

Imagine every time that you shop online The Joy of Sox automatically gets a percentage of you purchase as a donation.

All you have to do is click on the iGive logo on the right and sign up for the service with your browser.  Then whenever you shop for something on line at over 1,061 sites like Home Depot, 1-800-Flowers, Banana Republic, Amazon, Dell, Staples, QVC (but you need to set up the Amazon link through iGive – it’s so easy, even I was able to do it!)

Click here to see the current  list.  Even Orbitz and PETCO.

The Joy of Sox gets $5.00 when you sign up for the service and keep the iGive icon on your browser for 90 days.

Plus, we get another $5.00 after your fist purchase.

Imagine if 500 people sign up and buy something. That could equate to $5,000 signup bonus.  That’s a lot of socks and happy toes!!

Imagine if 1,275 people sign up and buy something…a $12,750 sign up bonus!!  And if everyone in New Jersey signed up we could get $88,211,550!!

Check it out…then tell your friends…tell your relatives…tell everybody!

Send them this link.

And our Facebook page will give you weekly update on how we are doing.