The Joy of Sox®, a nonprofit that provides new socks for the homeless, recently upgraded the security on its website. Their site,, now has HTTPS and a GREEN padlock in the address bar!
What does this mean and why does it matter?
Simply, it means the website is encrypted and secure. That protects any information that is entered on the website (name, address, etc.). Their donate page has ALWAYS been encrypted, but now the entire site is.
Why did they spend the time and money to do this?
Internet security hacks, identity theft, spam and worse are becoming more prevalent. So, Tom Costello Jr, Chief Sock Person, said “We owe it to anyone who visits our website, signs up for our newsletter, or makes a donation to know that their information is safe and secure behind the protection and encryption of HPPTS and the green padlock.”
Anyone who enters information into a website should check the address bar on their browser to make sure that the page has the HTTPS, showing that it is encrypted, and the green padlock to show that the site is verified.