“I really appreciate how fortunate I am.” These words were spoken by Jackson, 16, after he helped distribute new socks to those experiencing homelessness. Appreciating how fortunate we are (some of us are) is really the idea behind Thanksgiving.
This holiday, volunteers from the nonprofit The Joy of Sox®, instead of being home with family and friends, went to the Kensington section of Philadelphia to help those who don’t have a home. They distributed new socks, hand sanitizer and plastic bags to approximately 350 grateful individuals. Contrary to what you might have thought about people living on the streets almost all of them were polite, patiently waiting for their socks and hand sanitizer. They said things like, “God bless you for what you do.” “Thanks for being here.” And of course, “Can I (please) have another pair.” The distribution took place in front of Rock Ministries on Kensington Ave in Philadelphia.
Pastor Buddy Osborn, of Rock Ministries, commented that new socks are desperately needed by those living on the streets and he really appreciated what was being done for people in the community. Tom Costello Jr, Chief Sock Person of The Joy of Sox, added “When people make a donation of clothes for those in need they normally donate shirts, sweaters, and pants. But socks don’t get donated since people throw them out because they are worn or have holes in them. The niche we have is new socks!”
So, this Thanksgiving, there were now a lot of people along Kensington Ave with a warm healthy pair of new socks. And that put a smile on their faces…and a smile on their feet as well.
The Joy of Sox® is a Philadelphia-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission of giving joy and health to those experiencing homelessness by giving them new socks. Their vision is to be the most effective sock charity in the United States and to give every person experiencing homelessness in America six pairs of new socks every year. Since being founded in 2010 they have distributed over 848,665 pairs of new socks to those experiencing homelessness primarily in the Philadelphia area, but also in 34 states and seven countries. For more information please visit their website, and/or contact Tom Costello, Jr, Chief Sock Person and Founder: mail, or cell 610-745-1075.