2014 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits

2014 Greatnonprofit certificateA really special thanks to all of our supporters and fans who helped us earn this very cool award.  The award is special because only a small percentage of nonprofits get the Top-Rated rating.

According to the certificate:

“Your community has selected your organization as one of the 2014 Top-Rated Nonprofits using Great nonprofits.  You are among a distinguished few to receive this community endorsement.”

It is humbling to have such support.  And it also speaks to the grass-roots and community involvement that exists out there to help provide those much needed new socks for the homeless.

To see our Great Nonprofits web page please click here.

If you’d like to know how to get involved in your community and/or make a donation, please send us an email or give us a call at 610-688-3318 (we’re in suburban Philadelphia USA, east coast time).

We’d love to hear from you.
